Original UNLEASHED Guitarist FREDRIK LINDGREN Dead At 53

January 6, 2025

Fredrik Lindgren (a.k.a. Freddie Eugene),original guitarist for pioneering Swedish death metal band UNLEASHED, passed away in early January 2025 at the age of 53.

Lindgren played guitar for UNLEASHED from 1989 to 1995. He can be heard on the studio albums "Where No Life Dwells" (1991),"Shadows In The Deep" (1992),"Across The Open Sea" (1993) and "Victory" (1995) as well as the live albums "Live In Vienna '93" and "Eastern Blood - Hail To Poland" (1995).

After leaving UNLEASHED, Lindrgren played guitar in several other Swedish bands, including ATLANTIC TIDE, LOUD PIPES, CELESTIAL PAIN, TERRA FIRMA, BORN OF FIRE and HARMS WAY.

UNLEASHED said in a statement: "Warriors!!! Sadly, the news have reached us that Fredrik Lindgren, lead guitar of UNLEASHED 1989-1995 has passed away. Fredrik was a huge part of the early history of the band. For this we are eternally grateful. See you in Valhalla brother!"

Lindgren's passing was also confirmed by his onetime TERRA FIRMA bandmate Lord Chritus (a.k.a. Christian Lindersson),who used to sing in the Swedish band COUNT RAVEN and the pioneering Los Angeles doom metal act SAINT VITUS. Chritus took to his Facebook page on Sunday (January 5) to write: "In loving memory of Freddie Eugene 1971-2025. Numbed by the news of your passing, Fredrik my old friend. Hard to put emotions into words. Just hope you have found your peace as you deserve no less. You will not only be missed by me but many, I know this much. Thank you for being a part of my life and colored it with your friendship and musicianship both embodied in what was TERRA FIRMA. We had some really great times and that will never change. All my love."


Sadly, the news have reached us that Fredrik Lindgren, lead guitar of Unleashed 1989-1995 has passed away....

Posted by UNLEASHED on Monday, January 6, 2025

In loving memory of Freddie Eugene 1971-2025.

Numbed by the news of your passing, Fredrik my old friend. Hard to put...

Posted by Chritus - music page on Sunday, January 5, 2025

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